Elgin ScreenshotThere are two new exhibits now open at Discovery North Bay Museum.

Following the story of thousands of Scots who left Scotland for Canada in the 19th and 20th Centuries; that’s the focus of the new exhibit at Discovery North Bay Museum, which is called A Scottish Kist; The Story of Immigration to Canada.

Director and Curator Naomi Rupke says they went out to the Scottish community in North Bay to learn more stories and hear what was important to their families as they settled in Canada.

Those stories and artifacts are now on display at the Museum.

Meantime, the Bank of Canada Museum has loaned their exhibit “In the Money” to Discovery North Bay Museum.

Rupke says it will be on display until June. She says this exhibit explores the science of note-based currency, and it will also feature a look at Canada’s new series of bank notes.

There will be a media and public opening on Wednesday, from 4pm-6pm.

Written by: matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com

In the Money exhibit