Ferris Glen-Johnny Appleseed Play Mar 12 2015If you heard a great big crunch at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon, there’s no need to be alarmed.

Public Health Dietitian Kendra Patrick says students all over the region were biting into an apple at that time, as a part of the Great Big Crunch.

In fact, over 40 schools across the Nipissing and Parry Sound district are involved.
She says the Great Big Crunch is a fun way to promote healthy eating with students and to get kids excited about eating fruits and vegetables.

Patrick also says it’s a great way to celebrate March being Nutrition Month.

The theme for the month is eating 9-5, which is all about eating healthy during the school or work day.

The Health Unit and Community Living North Bay’s Student Nutrition Program organized the event.

Great Big Crunch-Silver Birches 2015