Council streaming


The City of North Bay will have a budget increase of 2.17% in 2015.

Budget talks started in December right after the election and the final vote was passed last night (Monday).

Mayor Al McDonald says the process overall was very open and allowed for good debate, but now council has to come together to make it work.

The budget passed by a vote of 7-3, with one councilor absent. One of those who did not support the budget was Chair of Engineering and Works Tanya Vrebosch.

She says this budget was too tight in certain areas.

McDonald says now they have to resume running and growing a city, which includes building the Economic Development Corporation.

Councilor Mike Anthony was one of the three who did not support the budget. He says they didn’t get it low enough for him to say yes.

The tax levy is at $79.3-million, with the overall operating budget at $84.6-million.The original budget increase started at a 5.88% increase.

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