Mark King - Capsule


Mark King was the guest this morning on Council Capsule with Matthew Sookram. The Chair of Community Services was one of three councilors who did not support last night’s budget, which came in at 2.17%.



King says some of those items he put forward dealt with North Bay Hydro. He says the city has an opportunity to use revenues from North Bay Hydro to further their service for the residents.

He says even though it wasn’t accepted, King feels it sets the table for the 2016 budget. Meantime, he says continued investment in infrastructure is necessary.



King’s Community Services budget came in at 13%, but he says they made major strides in finding efficiencies, which included savings through changes in the Fire Services.



King says they have to decide which items in the Capital Projects are vital, and which can be pushed back. Memorial Gardens was a topic of discussion on Council Capsule. We had a question come in from a listener asking about when they could expect concerts at the Gardens.



King adds cutting out overtime at the Gardens was something that helped in this year’s budget. He adds the work has already begun for the 2016 budget.


If you missed this mornings show here is the full audio



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