

It’s a project that could still take several years to materialize, but members of Council are hoping information comes forward soon about the Casino proposal for North Bay.


The latest news was Ontario Lottery and Gaming is looking for prospective owners.


Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette says “the owner needs to be qualified to run a casino, have experience and capital to spend.”


Councillor Jeff Serran was not a member of council when the proposal first came forward, but he agrees with moving it forward.


He says there are many potential benefits including well-paying jobs in the city.


Councillor Tanya Vrebosch was part of the council who approved moving the proposal forward, but says there’s plenty of questions that still need to be answered.


She says they don’t know the location, the size or the investments needed from the city.


Vrebosch says other city such as Toronto and Sudbury are adding casino’s to their downtown core as it’s proven to be the best location from an economic stand point.


Written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com