water tap2Residents are learning more about what the costs will be once the water meters officially turn on.

Council saw a study last night (Tuesday) on the differences between fixed rates and variable rates. The recommended option would be a 60/40 fixed-variable split for two years, with those numbers flipped around by 2018.

Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette says that’s recommended because it will ease residents into their payments.

Not all councillors are in favor of this option. Councillor Mac Bain says the only reason he supported the water meters in the first place was because of conservation efforts.

He says that’s why he would support an immediate 40 fixed and 60 variable payment rate. It was an idea brought up by Councillor Daryl Vaillancourt.  He says he wants the payment to start right away at 40 fixed and 60 variable.

Vaillancourt says he will bring an amendment at the next council meeting indicating a change in the recommended option.

Meantime, Forgette says he says he knows about the amendment and his job is now to find consensus.

Forgette says he would hate to see families have to pay more right away.

Written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com