Chris Mayne - Council Capsule


Water Meter rates took up a majority of Tuesday night’s four hour council meeting, and it was the big topic of discussion for this mornings (Wednesday) Council Capsule.


Councillor Chris Mayne joined Matthew Sookram in studio, and Mayne says Council right now is split on the payment options.


Mayne says he prefers the recommended option of a 60/40 fixed-variable split because of the impacts on expanding the city and conserving water.



Mayne adds the study done by Hemson Consulting Limited back up their 60/40 recommendation.



The recommendation then shows moving into payment options of 50/50 in 2017 and ending with a 40/60 split in 2018.


They also touched on the subject of the Pinewood Park Dr. Sanitary Sewer extension, which has been an ongoing project since the summer of 2013.


Mayne was asked if he thinks it will be finished this summer.



Mayne says it will cost a million dollars more than originally planned and they have to find that money in their existing budget.


He says it could be found through delaying other projects, but Mayne says it won’t be the John Street Bridge.



Mayne says they are still waiting to award the tender for the Pinewood Park Drive project.


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