The Nipissing Lakers Lacrosse team has signed a couple of new players. Justin Brooker and Sean Menzie have been added to the squad.  Justin Brooker is from Manitoba. The 18 year old has been playing since he was nine, and has played for Team Manitoba at a number of National tournaments.

Brooker says in a release “I am very excited about joining the Lakers program and becoming a part of the team and school. I’m glad that I’ll have the opportunity to play lacrosse while attending School. As a player I think my strengths are knowledge of the game and how I can react in a tough situation, and I would say that I am a playmaker style of a player. I prefer to go for that pass before taking the easy goal.”

John Morre is the Head Coach of the Lakers, and he says “Justin brings a strong knowledge of the game and good work ethic that will help him be successful at this level.”

Secondly, Sean Menzie comes from Port Credit, Ontario and has played for a number of provincial teams. He is a midfielder and can help out on both offense and defense.

He says “I am extremely excited to be a part of the Nipissing lacrosse program. Having already met a few of the players on the team I can already sense just how close of a team bond the players have and I can’t wait to be a part of it myself.”

Moore says “We think Sean could take on a significant role for the team from the beginning.  He has the ability to bring strong, physical play to the field, something we as a team want to enhance this fall.  Being one of the bigger players not only on our team, but in the league, he will be a presence in loose ball scrums as well as in the defensive end