fednor fundingThe city is receiving plenty of federal funding.

MP Jay Aspin announced $300,000 for the an environmental and engineering assessment on a new multi-use pier at the waterfront.

Aspin says he wants the waterfront to continue to be a people place and he says one of the keys will be finding a balance between passive and active attractions. Aspin says there is plenty of room up to 44 acres and he believes the balanced approach is best.

Community Services chair Mark King says the assessment will look at the dock as it currently is and possible commercial investment in the future.

Aspin also detailed the city’s allotment of Federal gas tax funding, which amounts to $3.1-million.

Aspin says the city has lots of options on what to spend the money on.

Mayor Al McDonald says they are looking at putting the money towards various infrastructure projects.

Earlier in the day, Aspin announced $26,000 in FedNor funding for MetricAid.

The funding will be used to develop a market-ready version of it’s Cloud-based Emergency Department Information System.

That work will be done by a youth intern and the funding will pay for that person.

Aspin also announced $5,000 to help the city meet costs for putting up a torch relay route for the Pan Am Games when the relay comes through North Bay on June 3rd.