snowbirds pic
The RCAF Snowbirds demonstration team took to the skies over North Bay’s Waterfront Wednesday afternoon.


The Snowbirds airshow took to the skies over the city’s waterfront Wednesday afternoon, delighting the thousands of people gathered for Armed Forces Day.

The event include ground displays of vehicles and equipment and began with about 150 military personnel marching from city hall to the waterfront.


Armed Forces Day chinook
Ground displays included a Chinook helicopter


Among the many dignitaries was Brigadier General David Patterson, and he says it was an impressive display and salute to the Armed Forces.

This also commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain and Patterson says it’s important to mark these days outside of Remembrance Day.


Armed Forces Day crowd pic

Colonel Henrik Smith was one of the many dignitaries on hand for the celebrations, and he says Armed Forces Day can appeal to everyone.

Military Parade

Meantime, the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Torch Relay has made it’s way through the city. The community cauldron was lit at the waterfront.