voteIt’s a chance to ask the questions and possibly get some answers on what you feel is important coming up to Election Day.

The four local Federal Candidates will participate in a Seniors Forum on September 22nd at the Empire Living Centre.

Outreach Manager Mike Anthony says it’s not a typical debate, but will be more of a question and answer forum, and it’s open to the community.

Anthony says the main theme will surround seniors issues, but Anthony says question can be taken from the floor regarding any election topic.

Jay Aspin, Kathleen Jodouin, Anthony Rota and Nicole Peltier have agreed in writing to take part.

The evening starts at 6:30 pm with a meet the candidate’s session and the event will be moderated by our own City Reporter Matthew Sookram.


Meantime, there is a separate Candidates Debate on September 17th at Nipissing University from 2pm-4pm.

That event is being hosted by the Nipissing University Student Union, Retired Teachers of Ontario Districts 43 and 44, along with the Canadore Students’ Council.