
The North Bay Battalion couldn’t end the weekend on a good note as they fall 3-1 to the Niagara IceDogs on Sunday at Memorial Gardens.

The Battalion and the IceDogs were tied at one at the end of the first, and it wasn’t until the 12 minute mark of the third that another goal was scored – this one by the IceDogs.

The goal came after Battalion forward Mike Baird blocked a hard shot, and appeared to be injured, but didn’t skate off the ice. Battalion Head Coach Stan Butler talked about the play after the game.

Butler says they are a young team, but the Troops will have to fight harder on every shift going forward.

Jake Kment got the start in net, his third straight, and made 18 saves in his first career OHL regulation loss.  The lone goal for the Battalion came from Matt Santos, his first of the season.