Nip strike 3 North Bay has seen three major industries hit by labour disruptions in the past few weeks.

First it was announced 158 jobs were being eliminated at the North Bay Regional Health Centre in September. Then at the beginning of this month, Nipissing University faculty went on strike, followed by 195 Unifor Local 103 members being locked out by Ontario Northland.

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says he was looking for answers from the Wynne Government when he spoke during question period yesterday (Monday).

Minister of Labour Kevin Flynn says the Government of Ontario is proud of the record of labour peace in Ontario, compared to other jurisdictions.

Meantime, Dr. Susan Srigley is the President of the Nipissing University Faculty Association. She says NUFU is ready to get back to the table.

She was asked what changed to for them to move in this direction.

Srigley says both sides will have to make compromises but they want students to get back into the classrooms.