Chris Mayne - Council CapsuleThe future of Cassellholme was discussed on Council Capsule this morning.

Councillor Chris Mayne joined Matthew Sookram in studio, and he says right now they need all member municipalities to be on the same page.

Mayne says the problem is there is no extra money, so they will start looking at different models of governance to find funding.

He says that is leading them to a not-for profit model and if all goes well they could be going to tender by this summer.

Meantime, they also talked about the Operational Review Committee that has been set up by Council.

Mayne says this is something they need to do.

Mayne says the review committee will allow them to find those savings.

With the budget process wrapped up for 2016, Mayne says there were certain areas that divided members of Council.

He says one of those was the decision to recall the Hydro Loans.

He says they have 9 months to make the arrangements before the loan is taken out, but that doesn’t mean they can’t revisit ideas.

Meantime a report to council showed over 300 job vacancies in the region every month, but Mayne says that doesn’t necessarily mean the economy is bouncing back.