
The Near North District School board is looking for public input on a name for it’s new school in North Bay, on the former Pinewood site.

There are six proposed names for the new school and officials say the most common theme involves the natural beauty of the geography in the area of the school.

The names include:

Cedargrove Public School – New school is located on Cedargrove Drive.

Gateway Public School – New school located in North Bay, commonly referred to as the “Gateway of the North”.

Northern Pines Public School – Pine trees are a geographic feature of the neighbourhood and broader city.

Pinewood Public School – Newly constructed school will be located on the site of the former Pinewood Public School.

Trillium Public School – Ontario’s official flower has three petals, one to represent each of the three schools amalgamating into the new public school.

Woodland Public School – Many street names in the area of the school refer to a type of wood, neighbourhood boasts a blend of trees.

The public can offer input up until 4pm on Friday, April 15th.

Officials ask that you include their name and the ONE preferred option, from the list above.

Submissions can be made by email to Melanie.Simmonds@nearnorthschools.ca, fax to 705-472-9927, or in writing to The New North Bay Public School Naming Committee, c/o 963 Airport Road, Box 3110, North Bay, Ontario, P1B 8H1