Conservation AuthorityA Watershed Condition Statement – Flood Outlook has been issued for the Lake Nipissing shoreline in North Bay and Callander.

The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority says it’s because of high water levels on the lake and the pending spring melt.

Officials say the lake level is at 195.70 meters and with the current forecast, it could reach 195.75 meters next week.

Once it reaches that level, there is the possibility of substantial damage to docks and shoreline structures.

“With the ice cover still on the lake, together with the higher than normal lake level and the snow melt expected in the coming days, there is a significant risk of shoreline ice damage, erosion and flooding on Lake Nipissing in North Bay and Callander in the foreseeable future,” said Brian Tayler, NBMCA’s CAO.


Katelyn Lynch, NBMCA’s Duty Officer says, “We’re fortunate right now that there is no significant precipitation forecast in the next five days to add to the water levels or hasten the melt. The amount of snow in the watershed is above average for this time of year and the water content is significantly high,”

Municipalities and property owners along the shoreline are advised to prepare for the possibility of ice damage and high water levels.


The City of North Bay says it is making plans to have sand bags available and is taking precautionary measures to preserve the integrity of the waste water system.

Officials say they’re in close contact with the Conservation Authority, who will be issuing messages to the public through local media and social media,  via Twitter and Facebook.