safety day

For the 15th year, the Ontario Early Years Centre is hosting its annual Safety Day.

The event goes today (Friday) between 9 am and 11:30 am.

This parent and child interactive day is geared towards teaching safety in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

A school bus, ambulance, North Bay police cruiser and a North Bay Hydro truck will be on site.

Refreshments and snacks will be provided.


It’s a first for North Bay.

A Seniors Expo is being held tomorrow (Saturday) from 9 am to 3 pm at the Golden Age Club on Worthington Street West.

The event is about educating the public on “age-friendly” communities and introducing seniors to local activities and resources.

There will be exhibits and displays from groups and businesses that serve seniors along with speakers and group discussions on the Age-Friendly Community Action Plan.


Photo courtesy of Corbeil Ancestry Facebook Page

Collecting Corbeil’s history is the focus of an event tomorrow at the Corbeil Park Hall.

From 9 am to 3 pm the Corbeil Ancestry Committee is hosting a day to gather information on the first 100 years of Corbeil, from 1897 to 1997.

People are asked to bring artifacts, photos and stories to be scanned.

This project will become a major contributor to the 100th anniversary of East Ferris in 2021.


Nipissing’s Motorcycle Ride for Dad is still just over a week away, but tomorrow (Saturday) they’re getting their shine on.

They’re hosting their 5th annual Car Wash and BBQ fundraiser at the the MacEwen Gas Bar on Algonquin Avenue.

This marks the final week of their nine-week fundraising campaign.

Rain or shine, volunteers will be washing vehicles starting at 10 am, raising funds for Prostate Cancer Research.


YMCA strong kids logo

And a unique art auction is taking place tomorrow and the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign is benefiting.

The inaugural Children’s Art Auction goes from 11 am to 1 pm at the YMCA of North Bay.

The art was created by children all throughout the district.

The Strong Kids Campaign is an annual fundraiser that supports access to YMCA programs like swimming, after school programs, summer camp and more.