Algonquin accident
File photo by Richard Coffin


An online Care2 petition calling for a crosswalk on Algonquin near the medical building has garnered over 1,800 supporters (as of noon Wednesday).

That was the stretch of roadway where two pedestrians were stuck and killed in early May.

Petition author Cheryl Foy says she drives by that section of road every day.

“Every time, I’m reminded about the accident,” she told Care2. “I see people dodging traffic there to cross the busy street to get to and from their appointments and I’m concerned for their safety.”

In a release, Foy says she didn’t personally know the 80-year-old man and 74-year-old woman who were struck and killed there in May, but decided to start her Care2 petition to prevent similar tragedies. The elderly individuals were hit by an SUV travelling north as they were crossing Algonquin Ave. from a parking lot on the east side toward a medical building on the west side.

“I don’t know the individuals who lost their lives and I’ve never known anyone who was hurt there,” Foy says. “I don’t even use that building and I’ve never parked at that parking lot. I am just a concerned citizen.”

Foy has plans to present her Care2 petition signatures to City Council.

She hopes something is done, even if her solution is not deemed feasible.

“If it is determined that a crosswalk is not feasible, I’m hoping a suitable solution is implemented,” she says. “The city needs to either find another parking lot and close the one in the dangerous location, or look at possibly moving to a better location. It is a very busy street and parking has always been an issue.”

Foy plans on attending the June 27th council meeting.

At last check, according to the link HERE, about 800 of the petition supporters are from Canada.