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City police report 174 domestic related calls in both May and June.

17 people were charged in May with 18 arrested in June.

Overall, there were 86 charges in those two months.

They vary from assault with a weapon to sexual assault, uttering threats, harassment and mischief.

There was also an attempted murder charged filed against a woman.

In a release, the North Bay Police Service says help is available for victims of domestic violence:

If you are a victim of domestic violence in an emergency situation and require immediate help, call 911. If you would like to talk to someone about your domestic situation but do not feel ready to talk to police, Victim Services of Nipissing District can provide you with emotional and practical support. For more information, call: 705-472-2649 or visit

Nipissing Transition House helps abused women and their children, living in North Bay and Nipissing District, rebuild their lives. Call the Nipissing Transition House 24-hour crisis line at 705-476-2429 if you are in urgent need of a safe shelter and support. Visit for more information.

On average, the North Bay Police Service responds to three or four domestic-related calls per day. supports the idea that a violence-free community is something worth pledging to achieve. Stand up against domestic violence in our community. Take the pledge.