Linda Bertrand VP CUPE Local 139 joined Ontario Council of Hospital Unions President Michael Hurley for today's media event. (Photo submitted)
Linda Bertrand VP CUPE Local 139 joined Ontario Council of Hospital Unions President Michael Hurley for today’s media event. (Photo submitted)



That’s how much the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions says the North Bay Regional Health Centre has been shortchanged in funding over the last 5 years.

In fact, President Michael Hurley says hospital funding in Ontario is much lower than the rest of Canada, to the tune of $4.8-billion lower.

He says they’re calling on the province to do three things, including funding the local hospital to at least the rate of inflation.

But, that’s not all. “We’re asking for the province to restore some of the funding they’ve cut from the hospitals, add staff and beds”, he said.

Hurley says while the province admits they’re cutting at hospitals they also say they’re making investments in the community, but they’ve found that Ontario under spends on the community side, so those investments need to be made.

The report used data available from the Canadian Institute for Health Information.