Crystal Haiti S4S


The owner of a local business is doing her part for those less fortunate.

Crystal Kaufman is the owner of the BioPed store in North Bay and is once again on a used shoe drive.

She says they’ve partnered with the international organization Soles 4 Souls and hope to collect 4 Thousand pairs of shoes after reaching 3800 last year.

Kaufman says at last check they were at 2800.

She says the shoes that they collect stay in Canada and go around the world too.

Kaufman says all shoes will be accepted whether they are sandals, dress shoes, winter boots. sports shoes or even worn out shoes as Soles 4 Souls will find a home for them.

Kaufman says she went to Haiti in February and they shoed 900 kids and the difference that made from them is indescribable.

She says your used shoes can be dropped off at her business on Airport Road.

