domestic violence safety net

Domestic Violence doesn’t just happen at home.

The Domestic Violence Coordinating Committee of Nipissing says it can also happen at work, school and places of workship too.

The organization is now offering a safety net program and Education Sub-Committee Chair Kathleen Jodouin says they now have their first employer to be declared a safe zone.

“We’re really thrilled that the Military Family Resource Centre took the training that they received from us in the spring and brought it back to their team and were the first to complete it. We’re hoping to announce upcoming trainings in the near future,” said Jodouin.

She goes on to says people can always check out their website, for more information.

The idea is to train staff so they can recognize people who have been impacted by domestic violence and that help is available for them.

In terms of stats, the committee says 24% of workplace violence stems from personal relationships.

North Bay Police responded to 1,256 domestic related calls in 2015.