Christmas is going to be much brighter for several local kids, thanks to the efforts of four grade 12 students at Widdifield Secondary School.

Sam Brost, Meghan Culin, Cam Daniels and Maddie McDiarmid created The Santa Project, which is similar to Project Christmas Child, but on a local level.

Brost says, “we were tasked with creating a project that would help our school community and the community around us.”

He says they contacted a couple elementary feeder schools and got a list of students (keeping their names anonymous) that may be unable to celebrate Christmas like they would be, then put out the call for donations.

The support they received was overwhelming.

12 students was quite a big number for us and we weren’t sure because it was a small timeline, about two weeks that we had to collect. It was a huge surprise the amount of support we got from the community.” Brost said, “Project aside, it’s just kind of cool to experience how our community came together to support these kids.”

The students packed up and wrapped the large boxes of gifts, including toys and books and other items, which will be delivered tomorrow.


The Santa Project