The opposition PC’s continue to take aim at provincial money that’s being spent on ads promoting upcoming hydro rate changes.

PC Leader Patrick Brown says the money would be better spent elsewhere.

“Why are these vanity ads, these partisan Liberal hydro ads more important than letting the people of Ontario know about the dangers of the Fentanyl crisis?” he asked.

Brown says the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, the Ontario Provincial Police, and Ottawa Public Health have all launched some form of an awareness campaign while they’ve heard “crickets from this government.”

Premier Kathleen Wynne says the Fentanyl and opioid crisis is a serious issue.

“All of us should rise above the pettiness of this kind of juxtaposition of issues to focus on what is really important here,” she added.

Wynne said they understand much needs to be done and have put an opioid strategy in place and are working with municipalities to ensure they have the tools and supports in place that they need.

In a release, MPP Vic Fedeli says the government needs to stop playing politics with taxpayer’s money and needs to start addressing issues that communities are facing.


Filed under: Fentanyl, hydro ads, opioid crisis