Hydro rates and the impact on municipalities was one issue the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities discussed at their recent meeting in Sudbury.

FONOM President Al Spacek says they don’t qualify for the incoming discounts they’re looking to see a benefit from the Cap and Trade program.

“We’re certainly on the record with the province as advocating strongly that municipalities operate some very energy intensive facilities, whether those are arenas, pools, librarys, affordable housing, and we should certainly be eligible for some form of assistance,” he says.

FONOM is also gearing up for their annual municipal conference next month.

The event goes May 10th to 12th in North Bay.

Spacek says it’s a great chance for municipal leaders to talk with provincial officials.

“It’s a joint conference with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and FONOM. We will have our Ministers Forum, where people will be able to ask questions directly to Ministers,” he added.

The keynote speaker at the event will be Steve Paikin, host of TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin.

Filed under: FONOM, hydro relief, Municipal Conference, north bay