Unaffordable hydro rates, which increased to $48,000 a year, forced the sale of the Legion Branch 23 building.

That from MPP Vic Fedeli at Queen’s Park today (Wednesday) as he questioned the government on the issue.

Fedeli says Legion executives told him they had to lay off staff, they can’t support their pipeband or track and field grants, but that’s not all.

“They can no longer properly take care of their vets and they told me that’s what hurts them the most. And they want to, quote, ‘lay the blame where it lies’ and that it’s with their hydro bill,” he said.

Nipissing’s MPP then urged the government to take concrete measures to help out communities.

“How many more Legions, rinks, and restaurants need to close before this minister takes any action?” asked Fedeli.

Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault says the upcoming 25 per cent reduction in bills will help.

“The Fair Hydro plan coming forward will now help Legions, will help curling clubs, it will help 500,000 small businesses and families,” he said.

Thibeault, who also said the government invested in the hydro system, went on to accuse the oppostion of not having a plan.

“They don’t have a plan, Mr. Speaker, they don’t even have time to consider one, Mr. Speaker. The only thing that leader can do is pen a letter about saving the NHL and the Olympics, Mr. Speaker,” he said.

Filed under: Hydro rates, Legion Branch 23, nhl, north bay, olympics