Two announcements for this year’s Summer In The Park on Thursday.

First, MAGIC! will be performing on Friday August 4th.

MAGIC! is a Toronto band that scored the song of the summer “Rude” which stayed on the Billboard Hot 100 for 6 weeks.

In 2015, the band was nominated for 5 Junos and won for single of the year and breakthrough group of the year.

Last year, the band released Primary Colours including the single No Regrets.

Meantime, some of the daytime programming has been announced as well.

In celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, Motus O Dance Theatre is performing their physical theatre work “From Fair & Wide, O Canada”.

Performances take place both Saturday and Sunday of the weekend.

The show reveals how fairs and festivals began in Canada and the impact they’ve had. .

Wrist Bands for the entire weekend are $35 until Canada Day.

They’re available at


Filed under: MAGIC!, Motus Dance Theatre, Primary Colours, Summer In The Park