City Council has endorsed a proposal by Union Gas that could lead to natural gas services on Peninsula Road, which currently is not available.

Councillor Tanya Vrebosch says the province has grants available that will help provide natural gas services to certain areas.

She says the city was approached earlier this year by Union Gas, asking if they were interested in providing services to Peninsula Road.

Under the program the city would make a financial contribution to the project.

“We’re going to get the tax dollars from them for Peninsula Road, and then we’re going to give it back to them for ten years. After the ten years we will start recouping those taxes each year as new tax dollars,” Vrebosch says.

She says each individual home owner would have the choice as to whether they want natural gas services.

Vrebosch also says East Ferris supports the proposal.

Filed under: Natural gas, north bay, Peninsula Road, Union Gas