Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says it’s shocking Hydro One is investing close to $7 Billion Dollars to buy an American hydro company known as Avista.

That news was revealed this week.

He says the hydro file has been bungled by the Liberals and this purchase is further proof of that.

Fedeli says the province thinks it’s more important to invest in a US utility rather than taking care of Ontario families.

Meantime, Fedeli also echoes the Fraser Report that says Ontario has the highest electricity rates in North America.

Fedeli says the province will say they don’t have the highest energy rates because Fraser is including natural gas or they’re not including HST.

Fedeli says people have to choose between eat and heat.

Fedeli says the rates are so high because the province jumped in on wind and solar power.

He says they pay the highest subsidies in the world.

Filed under: hydro costs, MPP Vic Fedeli