As of the end of June, the city’s water operating budget is in good shape.
But, Chair of Engineering and Works Councillor Tanya Vrebosch says if the weather continues to be wet, that could change by years end.
This week Council received the year-end financial projection for the water budget, that was compiled to the end of June.
“At this point we’re not worried, but we’re watching to see what happens with people’s usage in July and August,” she says.
Overall, the budget is tied to consumption, which she says is difficult to predict.
“It’s so volatile with people’s consumption and usage patterns, it’s a guessing game. Literally, staff every year have to guess at what people’s consumption will be for that year, they have to think about what the weather patterns will be like,” Vrebosch says.
She points out staff have been really good at predicting the numbers.
The report says revenue targets could fall behind, depending on consumption.
Any deficit would be covered off by reserves, with 370-thousand dollars in the Water Operating Reserve Fund.

Filed under: Tanya Vrebosch, water budget