The 2018 municipal budget is top of mind for budget chief Sheldon Forgette and members of city council.

The timelines for the process have been recommended by staff and the budget target may be established at a meeting early next month.

Forgette says they’re looking at approving the capital budget by November 14th, the water and waste water operating budget by the end of November and the operating budget itself by December 12th.

He says it makes a lot of sense to have the 2018 budget approved before the end of the 2017 calendar year.

He points out that in previous years fiscal plans weren’t approved until midway through the year they were budgeting for, and says that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

There will be plenty of chances for public input.

A public meeting goes October 18th and Forgette is encouraging residents to e-mail their ideas to


Filed under: 2018 budget, North Bay City Council