The Life of the late Peter Minogue was celebrated at this year’s Osprey Links Golf Gala.

This is the first tournament in 19 years without Minogue and honourary tournament chair, Mike Harris says it’s hard not to have him here, but his legacy lives on.

“He had a vision and he brought partners along to build this facility. I’m proud to be associated with and particularly this years with the North Bay Hospital,” Harris said.

The former Premier and Nipissing MPP says he hasn’t missed a tournament since it began 19 years ago and over that span has raised just over $500,000 for various charities.

This year’s event raised $35,000 for the North Bay Regional Health Centre’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit.

President and CEO of the Health Centre Foundation, Tammy Morison says between 100 and 130 youth use the facility each year, and it’s important they have the service close to home.

“It is a very busy unit.  Being closer to your family provides a more supportive environment and we can have a bigger impact on their outcome,” she says.