North Bay Police say they received 27 related noise complaints on the weekend and this resulted in several people being charged.

The charges include being intoxicated in a public place, excessive noise, failing to leave premises when dictated and having liquor in an open container while in public.

Police say they initiated a strict enforcement policy in September in an attempt to curb noisy parties, liquor violations and anti social behavior.

They’ve also met with administration and student union staff at both Canadore and Nipissing.

As well police say they’ve met with the city and talked to a homeowners group on Thibeault Terrace.

Mayor Al McDonald says the noise isn’t confined to one part of the city.

“We get noise complaints all over the city. This isn’t just about 1 particular area and what we need to do is to try and bring everyone together to find out what we can do to make our city more livable.”

McDonald says on this issue it’s important that everyone is treated with respect.

“That’s what leaders do. They bring everybody to the table and try to find ways to resolve differences. I think this is a great step and it shows leadership”

Another meeting is set for October 16th.

Filed under: North Bay Police, Thibeault Terrace