A lot of details still have to be worked out but the North Bay splash pad project is on the front burner at city hall.

It’s included in the capital budget which was passed Tuesday night at council.

The document says $52,000 will be spent in 2018 on splash pad infrastructure.

We don’t have other details, like location.

Councillor Tanya Vrebosch says there’s a major community fundraising effort going on but that doesn’t mean there won’t be annual costs for the taxpayer.

“We have to use treated water for it. We’re on water meters so any water we use for the splash pad is going to be an operating expense that’s going to flow through the city. Looking at calculations and it’s a rough estimate I’ve been told it would be over $40,000 annually,” she says.

Vrebosch says the infrastructure cost is for connecting city services underground.

Additionally, she says the city would have to pay for washrooms and change rooms.


Filed under: City of North Bay capital budget, splash pad, Tanya Vrebosch