North Bay Police Chief Shawn Devine has some advice for city motorists.

“People just have to realize that winter weather is here and if you don’t have your snow tires on maybe it’s time to think about them. The other thing is we need to slow down and recognize that it takes longer to stop with winter conditions,” he says.

At Tuesday’s police services board meeting, Devine said there were 18 accidents between when the snow started falling on Saturday and yesterday morning.

He says eight of the collisions were investigated by officers while the others were handled at the collision reporting centre.

There have been several complaints about road conditions after the storm and Devine says he’s heard them too.

“I have received several complaints with regards to the roadways and actually on my way to work on Monday morning, called my wife and told her to be very careful on O’Brien Street as I found it to be extremely slippery,” he says.

Devine says people are still texting while behind the wheel and that can also be an factor in the number of recent accidents.


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