The sixth and final batch of stats from the 2016 Census have been released and Sales and service occupations were tops in North Bay (6,920).

That was followed by occupations in education, law and social, community and government services (3,570) with business, finance and administration occupations next (3,495).

Meantime, 16,755 people drive themselves to work.

Less than a thousand (960) take public transit, 1,855 walk while 1,765 are passengers in a vehicle.

355 city residents ride their bike to work.

In terms of the commute to work, it’s less than 15 minutes for 12,175 city residents.

The average commute in Canada last year was 26.2 minutes.

According to the 2016 census there were 23,305 city residents with a post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree.


(File photo: vehicles traveling along Oak Street in North Bay)