City staff are still preparing information on the two municipal locations for a new arena so Council’s special arena committee did not meet on Wednesday as originally planned.

The two locations include Memorial Gardens and the Omischl Sports Complex.

Chair Mark King says the meeting has been rescheduled for next Wednesday morning.

He says it’s important that committee members have all the information they need so they can make the right decision.

“I want to make sure that we have all the information before we go forward with it. But once we have all of the information we’re gonna move,” he says.

King also says it’s entirely possible the committee could be making a final recommendation next week, but…

“I’ve advised the clerk that we may need council approval to extend the term of the committee into the new year if we don’t meet the deadline of the end of the month,” he says.

Meantime, the process for all the non-municipal proposals is just getting started and don’t expect anything on that until after the new year.

The private sites include Nipissing University. West Ferris Secondary School and on Pinewood Park Drive.

“Council will have an opportunity to determine which site meets the criteria that council wants and whether it’s cost efficient,” King says.

Filed under: new arena