Art On Main, the downtown artists collective will be shutting its doors for good on December 30th.

Citing the current economic climate founding member Pat Stamp says, in a release, the not-for-profit store and gallery is no longer viable.

She says there have been many highlights, including Art on Main being the location for three TV movies with some of their artist’s work displayed in those productions.

“We were given a handsome remuneration for closing our shop for a couple of weeks and that helped us get through that winter. They then approached us again and we were able to do the same thing,” Stamp says.

Still she says they can’t just rely on film money and the reality is in this economic climate people aren’t buying a lot of art.

Stamp says they’ll be able to pay all the bills so there’ll be no hardship for the people they have dealings with.


(Photo courtesy Art On Main’s Facebook page)