North Bay’s Warming Centre will be open again tonight (Thursday) but they continue to need volunteers to sign up to keep the doors open through this stretch of extremely cold weather.

That’s the word from program coordinator Karrie Lepoudre.

“We’re just shy of one individual for Friday night, we still need three more for Saturday, we have no one for Sunday night, and another three people for Monday night,” she says.

Lepoudre says people want to help out, but availability has become the issue.

“It’s hard because it’s the holiday season still and people are spending time with their families, or have plans, or they’re out of town. It’s not a lack of desire, it’s availability,” she says.

For those interested or available to volunteer, contact the North Bay Warming Centre through their Facebook page.

Night-time low temperatures are expected around minus 27 or minus 28 on the weekend, before reaching a more seasonal minus 15 next Tuesday.

Filed under: North Bay Warming Centre