A council committee has given its approval to a 53 lot subdivision proposal by Milford Development.

Rick Miller speaks for the developer.

He says once council gives final approval they could begin phase 1 within the next couple of months which means houses would be constructed during the spring in the Norman Avenue and Gordon Drive area.

The agreement will also include sections covering concerns about species at risk and wetlands protection.

Miller says that’s not unusual.

“We have to evaluate that western portion before we move forward with any development to see if there’s any species at risk or habitat that needs to be protected.”
The subdivision couldn’t go ahead without agreements between the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources.

One resident Eric Martin says he has found bones on the section.

Martin says he also has concerns that species may be at risk on the property and there may be wetlands at risk too.

“That could impact the flood waters and rain water because the contour of the wetland could be destroyed.”

Martin says his concerns are on the westerly side of the proposal.

Marin says he’ll be sending his bones to the Canadian Museum of Nature.

Filed under: sub division