A council committee has given approval to a rezoning request for property on Pinewood Park Drive.

If the entire council gives the green light the property would be zoned industrial commercial special which means it would have the zoning for a casino or a recreational facility.

Community Services Committee chair Mark King moved the item off committee even though he voted against his own committee’s recommendation.

“OLG is not interested in that site. But the proponent made the application and the city is required to move forward with it.”

Despite the committee’s decision there were several presentations trying to convince council members not to support a casino. They say money would be taken out North Bay, businesses would be negatively impacted and there would be negative social costs as well.

Kay Heuer says the city should study the facts before making a final decision.

“The fallout from having a casino would be health concerns, failed businesses, people performing poorly at work, family breakdown and huge debt.”

Filed under: Casino, rezoning