The curtain rises tomorrow night (Wednesday) on the Gateway Theatre Guild’s latest production.

Kelly Boegel plays Brooke in ‘Other Desert Cities’, which is a family drama infused with humour, political commentary, and sharp dialogue.

“The writing is such that there is a lot of wit, a lot of humour, a lot of banter back and forth, a ton of sarcasm,” she says.

Boegel says it’s quite the dynamic family with each member going on their own roller coaster ride, as her character returns home at Christmas.

“She’s bringing her next book for them to read, but what they don’t know is the book is not a novel, as they had expected, it is a memoir and the memoir is revealing quite the family secret,” Boegel says.

The show runs tomorrow night through Saturday at 7:30 pm at Widdifield Secondary School.

Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students.

Check out for more.


(Photo courtesy Anna Iati)