Nipissing-Temiskaming MP Anthony Rota says there’s good news for FedNor in the federal budget, which was delivered yesterday (Tuesday) in Ottawa.

The highlight is that FedNor’s budget was increased by $28 million over the next 5 years and htat’s something that’s very important to economic development in Northern Ontario,” he says.

There’s also $100-million allocated in the budget over the next 5 years to be spent on rural broadband which is important to develop Northern Ontario and all of rural Canada.

Meantime, Rota says the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare, to be headed by former Ontario health minister Eric Hoskins, will explore ways to establish a national drug program.

“Pharmacare is something that many people and governments have talked about. We are doing something and moving in the right direction,” he says.

Rota says costs for health care will go down under pharmacare and accessibility will go up.

Morneau’s budget includes a $18.1-billion deficit for 2018-19, including a $3-billion adjustment for risk, down slightly from the previous year but without any plan for a return to balanced books.

Rota says their goal is to create a healthy economy where people have jobs.

“‘We’re seeing it already with our tax revenue going up because people are working and paying taxes. The economy is growing and government revenues are going up. So a lot of this projection will likely be lower when the year ends,” he adds.


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