For a sixth year Odyssee hosted their BBall4Bullying event this week to help spread the anti-bullying message.

It was held on the 11th annual Pink Shirt Day, with people locally and all across Canada wearing pink to symbolize they don’t tolerate bullying.

Local organizer Sylvie Vannier tells BayToday the message still needs to get out there.

“People keep asking us, why do you still do this? And the idea is to bring awareness and the discussion needs to continue,” she says. “It doesn’t mean that bullying is over overnight and it’s gone, so we have to keep the discussion going,”

City police DARE Officer Constable Robin Boucher says online bullying is a big issue.

“It’s easy for kids to get on a computer, say things they probably wouldn’t say face to face, seems like it might be a little bit easier, even adults to hide behind a computer screen,” he says.

The BBall4Bullying event involved students taking on local celebrities and community leaders in a game of basketball.

Check out the full story at


(Photo by Chris Dawson)

Filed under: BayToday