Details of this years Motorcycle Ride For Dad have been unveiled.

Co-chair John Strang says the event will be held in June.

“The ride will actually take place with pre registration on June 15th. Early registration will be on the Saturday morning on the 16th and everything will be at the Ramada Pinewood Park North Bay,” Strang says.

Strang says this is the 10th annual and in the first 9 years they’ve raised over $320,000 for prostate cancer research.

He says they’re looking at raising $30,000 and they’re hoping to have close to 375 riders out.

He says they hold this event for two reasons: raising funds to fight prostate cancer.

“But more importantly raising awareness and get a message out. And that message is very simple get it checked and there’s no shame in having a prostate exam,” he says.
Strang says it doesn’t have to be that invasive as a blood test can also tell you if you have prostate cancer.

Strang says early detection is the key.

He says they’ll also be handing over a $20,000 cheque to the Health Sciences North Research Institute at the North East Cancer Centre.

Filed under: John Strang, Nipissing Motorcycle Ride For Dad