From Armour Township to West Nipissing, and all points in between, the Northern Policy Institute and it’s partners have made it easier to to dig deeper into key economic and social indicators at the community level.

They’ve set up a new online tool called “Community Accounts” that provides open access to a variety of information, including income, education, health and employment.

“We’re so excited to provide essential data and insight into the labour market and economy of our communities through this partnership.” said NSWPB Executive Director, Madge Richardson. “Having this information at their fingertips, will further facilitate informed decision making.”

This project is a partnership between Northern Policy Institute, North Superior Workforce Planning Board (NSWPB), your Local Employment Planning Council (LEPC), the Social Planning Council of Sudbury and the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA).

Check out the free online tool at

Filed under: community accounts