The city is making voting in next month’s municipal election more accessible.

Through the use of AutoMARK Voter Assist Terminals people with accessibility issues will be able vote more independently.

Deputy Clerk Judy Bechard says this is a big deal and that could impact up to 5,000 voters.

“It comes with paddles so people can use little rocker paddles to choose yes or no. There’s braille on the machine and the machine can be set to privacy mode. So anyone who is assisting someone won’t know how the person votes,” she says.

She says atleast 1 terminal will be at each of the 4 advance poll locations.

Brian Bibeault is blind and and in the past has had to tell someone who he was voting for rather than do it himself.

Brian says he’s looking forward to voting.

“It’s a right and it’s more independent. Independence is a big thing and I am able to this on my own without having the assistance of someone,” he says.

Filed under: 2018 Municipal Election, municipal accessibility