It’s a big day for raising funds and awareness about breast cancer.

North Bay’s 14th annual CIBC Run For The Cure is taking place at the waterfront.

Honourary Survivor Jo-Ann Mihalech says people need to be their own advocate for their health.

“If you feel like you have something not right in your body, we know our own bodies, we really need to push for what we want, the tests that we want,” she says.

Mihalech says she’s made some very good friends through her journey.

“The three of us have formed a support group, which I found there is a lack of in North Bay. We’re called Sisters In Arms,” she says.

Mihalech also says it’s important people know they are not alone.

The opening ceremony for today’s event is at 10 am.

The run/walk goes at 11 am.


(File photo)

Filed under: North Bay CIBC Run For The Cure