City fire crews responded to a ‘significant’ natural gas leak inside a Bloem Street home just after midnight this morning. (Thursday)

They encountered significant carbon monoxide readings in excess of 400ppm when they arrived.

Officials say the home was vacant at the time, but because of the high levels of gas adjacent homes were evacuated.

Fire crews worked with Union Gas personnel to identify the source of the Carbon Monoxide as being a faulty boiler.

The source was isolated by Union Gas and the impacted residents were able to safely return to their homes.


North Bay Fire and Emergency Services released the following information about Carbon Monoxide:

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that can kill you quickly. It is called the silent killer because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-irritating. If the early signs of CO exposure are ignored or the CO concentration is very high, a person may lose consciousness and be unable to escape the danger. CO exposure is the leading cause of death due to poisoning in the North America. However, CO deaths are entirely preventable.

Initial symptoms of CO poisoning can be mistaken for flu symptoms. Depending on the air concentration of CO and how long the CO is breathed in, you can experience any of the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness, loss of muscle control, shortness of breath, chest tightness, visual changes, sleepiness, fluttering of the heart, redness of the skin, confusion and mild behavioral effects such as slowed reaction time or altered driving skills. CO poisoning should be suspected if more than one member of the family is sick and if those who are sick feel better after being away from the area for a period of time. At high levels or during continued exposure, CO can cause suffocation, resulting in loss of consciousness, brain damage, or death.

The initial symptoms of CO poisoning can be mistaken for flu symptoms. The following clues will help identify symptoms that could be the result of CO poisoning:

  • Symptoms occur or get worse shortly after turning on a fuel-burning device (e.g., generator, vehicle, tool).
  • More than one person in the home becomes sick at the same time (it usually takes several days for the flu to pass from person to person).
  • Symptoms are brought on by being in a certain location and go away soon after leaving the area.

North Bay Fire would like to make certain that you have properly maintained CO alarms in your home.  These alarms are required by the law.

Filed under: North Bay Fire and Emergency Services, Union Gas