Registration is now underway for a couple events that start in the new year at the North Bay Public Library.

The winter session of Math Club starts January 7th, in partnership with Frontier College.

The fun math and activity based program is for kids in grades 3 and up and is textbook free.

Meantime, starting January 9th, there’s a free Junior Book Club on Wednesday evenings.

Children ages 6-12 are invited to explore different themes through games, activities and stories with Frontier College tutors.

Registration, which is limited for both programs,  can be done either by phone (705) 474-4830 or in person at the Children’s Desk.


The North Bay Public Library will also be hosting another Teen Advisory Group meeting next week.

The session goes from 5-6 pm on Wednesday, December 12th.

They’re looking to hear from youth ages 12-17 about what they want to see in the library, what books they think should be added to the collection, and what programs they would like to attend.


Filed under: North Bay Public Library